Enterprise solutions are custom-built software systems that optimize organizational efficiency and support specialized workflows.
These systems can serve a wide range of purposes and complexities, spanning from backoffice portals and data integrations to internal brokerage and trading systems.
With extensive expertise across industries such as financial markets and the public sector, we specialize in developing sophisticated solutions that streamline operations, simplify complexity, and drive improved performance across businesses.
We participated in building "MyTreasury," an award-winning treasury trading platform for ICAP, a leading UK-based global provider of market infrastructure and trading solutions.
We were contracted to build the Auctions Module for ICAP's Fusion platform, a multi-window web application and flagship electronic trading solution for the UK financial markets.
We were subcontracted to create a front-end web application for a leading UK capital markets provider. The solution was optimized for a multi-screen environment ensuring user-friendly interface and providing seamless usability across diverse trading screen setups.
We implemented a seamless integration with the government’s e-identity web service, enabling secure and efficient user authentication for municipal portals. This integration simplifies access to municipal services and electronic documents.
We built an integration between Waze and a municipality's GIS database through the Waze Partners Program, enabling real-time road closure data to be pushed directly from the city's system to both Waze and local mapping platforms—eliminating the need for manual data entry.
We developed mobile apps and connected backoffice portals portals to streamline digital urban services across several European cities, featuring incident reporting for citizens and improved communication with municipalities.
Any sector, any size, any software development challenge.